What You Should Know About Fire Ants

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Have you ever come across a fire ant mound while working in your yard or playing outside with your kids? These pesky insects are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous if you get too close to their territory. Fire ants are not native to the United States, and they were brought over from South America in 1918. Here, we share some important facts about fire ants that every homeowner should know.

1. Fire Ants are aggressive and will swarm in response to a perceived threat.

Fire ants are known to be aggressive and will attack anything that they perceive as a threat to their colony. If you accidentally step on their mound, the ants will swarm and sting you. It’s important to stay away from their colonies and to teach your children not to play around them.

2. Fire Ants can both bite and sting, with their sting being the more severe attack.

Fire ants have two ways to attack – biting and stinging. Their sting is the more severe attack since their venom is composed of alkaloids and proteins that can cause an allergic reaction, severe pain and even death in some cases. If you get stung by a fire ant, seek medical attention immediately if you experience any severe symptoms.

3. Reactions to fire ant stings and bites range from mild irritation to death.

Not everyone will have the same reaction to fire ant stings and bites. Some people may experience a mild irritation, while others may have an allergic reaction. In rare cases, fire ant stings can cause death. If you have been stung by fire ants, watch for any severe symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary.

4. Most Fire Ants are Female.

The queen ant and her female workers are responsible for building and maintaining a fire ant colony. The males’ only job is to fertilize the queen ant, and afterwards, they die.

5. Fire Ants are Omnivores.

Fire ants eat anything from insects to small animals, fruits and vegetables. They are attracted to sweet food, and they will invade your kitchen if you leave any food out in the open.

6. Fire Ants Float when their territory is flooded.

Fire ants are survivors, and they can adapt to different environments. If their territory is flooded, they will join together and form a raft to stay above the water and float to safety.

7. Fire Ants only have one known predator – the phorid fly.

The phorid fly is the only known predator of fire ants. The fly lays its eggs inside the fire ants’ thorax and when the larvae hatch, they push into the head causing the ant’s head to fall off. Then the fly larvae feed on the ant’s body.

Fire ants can be a nuisance, and their bites and stings can be painful and dangerous. It’s important to understand their behavior and keep a safe distance from their colony. If you have a fire ant infestation on your property, it’s best to call The Pest Force to deal with them. Our experts have the knowledge and equipment to control fire ant colonies safely and effectively. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today and protect your home and family from fire ant attacks.