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Category - Featured Pests


Wasps & Bees

Wasps and bees fall into two categories—social or solitary and we have both in our area. Mud Dauber The mud dauber is a solitary wasp that makes an unsightly nest in a sheltered area of your structure that looks like short muddy tubes about 1” long. The mud dauber is a shiny, black, slender insect ...


Termites are one of the costliest of all insects. They are a threat to 70% of the entire world and to every part of the United States except Alaska.  The South Carolina coast is in the heart of the highest threat zone. Here in The Grand Strand the most destructive termite we encounter is the ...


Along came a spider and sat down beside her… Spiders are pretty amazing with nearly 38,000 known species and counting. Understandably, most people do not want to find a spider in their home; but when spiders are found outdoors we can appreciate all of their benefits to the environment. They are a predator to some ...

Silverfish & Firebrats

Silverfish If you have seen a silverfish you know where it gets its name. With its silvery blue metallic color and the way it moves, it looks like a little fish. Silverfish hide during the day; they are active at night and avoid light. They are most commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, crawlspaces and …


Pill Bugs & Sow Bugs

Pill bugs, commonly called a roly poly, can roll up in a little ball when disturbed. The sow bug closely resembles the pill bug but cannot roll up in a ball. Both are grey in color and about ¼” to 5/8” long with a round top and a flat bottom. These crustaceans aren’t insects, but ...

Mice and Rats

Mice are considered to be the greatest household nuisance worldwide. Along with the damage they cause, they carry a multitude of diseases. The house mouse unfortunately gets its name from its most common dwelling—your home. Unlike other pests, their curious nature often brings them out into the open, scurrying along walls and out from under ...

Household Ants

Although you have found ants in your house, they are actually from the outside. They are in your house looking for the same things you are looking for—something to eat and drink. And they like the same foods you do! There are many different species of ants—some like starchy foods, some like greasy foods and ...


Flies are not usually a significant pest problem, but there are two that can be quite prolific and difficult to control. The Phorid Fly The Phorid fly is a small, black, hump backed fly often mistakenly identified as a fruit fly. Sometimes called scuttle flies, Phorid flies can often be identified by their habit of ...


Fleas are small, dark, wingless insects that are agile and have piercing sucking mouth-parts perfect for feeding on the blood of their hosts which include dogs, cats, and other mammals, including you. Their hind legs are long and made for jumping. This tiny insect can jump vertically up to 7” and horizontally up to 13.” ...

Fire Ants

Most of us in South Carolina have been stung at one time or another by the imported red fire ant. In the genus Solenopsis, they can cause serious medical, economic and ecologic problems, not to mention their stings really hurt! They are called imported fire ants because they are native to South America and were ...
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