What is a CL-100 Inspection and What Does it Cover?

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A CL-100 inspection is a termite inspection that covers almost everything. It will tell you if your house has termites, the extent of the infestation, what kind of wood is affected, if there are other insects or pests in your home, and it goes into detail about how to stop any infestations before they get worse. Once you have a CL-100 performed on your new home by an inspector, you should feel much better about knowing whether or not you’ll be moving in with several thousand roommates. The CL-100 inspection also looks at moisture issues so if there are leaks in your house, a CL-100 inspection might catch this issue early enough for repairs to save not only the structure also items inside.

What Does a CL-100 Inspection Cover?

The CL-100 is the most thorough inspection available in most states and it includes general visual observations of all accessible wood surfaces in the home and under the building exterior for evidence of rot and decay, visible termite activity, damage from other insects and pests such as carpenter ants and wood borers, moisture-related problems with the foundation, walls, crawl spaces, roof areas and evidence of previous termite treatments (if any). A CL-100 will include a report with recommendations on how to prevent termite infestations in your home. CL-100 inspections are performed by state licensed inspectors who are required to have extensive CL-100 training prior to receiving their license.

What a CL-100 Does NOT Include

Your CL-100 inspection is primarily termite-focused. A CL-100 will not test your house for toxic mold, radon gas, or carbon monoxide. If you’re concerned about these things, you need to request separate inspections from the appropriate services. A CL-100 also does not look at electrical issues such as overloaded or faulty wiring. It is also not a termite treatment plan (it’s just an inspection). A CL-100 also does not include the inspection or treatment for drywood termites. Drywood termites are usually found around windows, doors, under fireplaces and along roof lines where they travel between exposed wood and exposed beams on the ceiling or in the attic area.

CL-100 inspections are the most thorough termite inspections available in most areas but there are different criteria for CL-100 inspections, which will depend on your state or local municipality. A CL-100 is one of the best ways to get a good idea about whether or not you have termites hiding under your sink, in your walls, or foraging outside around your house. If you have questions or need a CL-100 inspection, call The Pest Force!